
Hit the Road in Style with Vintage Key Rings

November 5, 2010

Ever wanted to own a classic car? We sure have, so we set out to find a way to give you a piece of the most iconic classic cars, without having to break your bank. Here’s the story behind our vintage Mustang and Thunderbird key rings.

We decided upon two favorite vintage autos: the first generation Ford Mustang (1964-1973) and the third generation Ford Thunderbird (1961 – 1963).

Then we scoured the eastern US for authentic parts, such as this section of a 1969 Mustang truck lid, pictured below. Using a waterjet (a tool which cuts metal with a high pressure stream of water mixed with an abrasive), we cut circular discs from the auto parts.

We designed key rings that could display the discs, emulating the look of each car’s steering wheel:

Mustang key ring (left) and Thunderbird key ring (right)

Then the prototyping process began.

Above is an early pewter prototype showing how the components fit together. The red disc is cut from the 1969 Mustang trunk lid pictured earlier.

After many iterations, we arrived at our final products: sterling silver steering wheels which proudly display a piece of your very own classic car. Each comes in blue, black, or red.

– Sarah Stenseng
Product Development Associate

1 Comment

  • Reply Kathleen July 27, 2011 at 1:11 am

    I think these key rings are awesome, boomers will be
    happy to buy one for themselves and perhaps another for a friend.

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