The Uncommon Life

The Cats that April Fooled You!

April 3, 2013

Did you do a double take when you saw our website and social media on Monday? Cats took over everything – there wasn’t a piece of our internet presence without a feline touch. But it was all in fun!

We knew we wanted to get in on the April Fools antics this year and decided to pay homage to everyone’s favorite star of the internet and your living room floor. In order to pull it all off, we needed some cats. Our employees jumped at the opportunity to play kitty show & tell and give their cat its fifteen minutes of fame.

Our Creative Studio was turned over to the cats and our Customer Service office area into a green room, where cats slept and ate until their owners were done with work for the day. Used to taking photos of inanimate objects and their coworkers, our photographers practiced the art of shooting a creature with a mind of its own.

To make our April Fools prank be truly uncommon, we partnered with Animal Care & Control of New York City to donate a portion of the profits made during the campaign.

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