The Uncommon Life

Uncommon Personalities: Meet Jason Gomer

December 20, 2013
Jason Gomer | UncommonGoods
Jason Gomer, UncommonGoods Drop Ship Area Operations Manager & Senior Planner
My hometown is……
Brooklyn, NY. Born and raised.

An uncommon fact about me…
I’ve had to think of so many uncommon facts about myself since working here, so instead of a new one, I’ll list some of my favorites:
– I have never drunk or tried coffee. Ever. Not even once. I can get a caffeine buzz of a single can of soda.
– I’ve sky dived (dove?) five times and hope to get certified one summer. I once went straight through a cloud! How’d it feel? Moist.
– As you can tell by my sky-diving activities, I am not afraid of heights. However, my biggest fear/phobia is seeing someone other than myself close to a ledge or steep drop. Roof parties are horrible for me.
– I am a self-taught horror-FX make-up artist. I once entered a contest with a friend and we made me into an awesome zombie. And we won! That may not sound like much until I tell you who the judge was: Tom Savini, the original make-up artist for all of George Romero’s zombie films (Day of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, etc).

Working at UncommonGoods I’ve learned……
…The value of teamwork. There are so many moving pieces that make UncommonGoods work for our customers and they are all connected. No single person can do everything, but a well-oiled team can get it all done and exceed expectations.

I’m inspired by…
Calm under pressure. Selfless acts of kindness. My cat, Tree Trunks (on days off, I follow her daily routine of eating and sleeping).

If my 6th grade teacher could see me now, he or she would say……
“You look the same.” (I’m 28 now.)

The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen is……
A starry night in rural Maine. We don’t have many stars in the Brooklyn night sky.

If I won the lottery, I’d…
Travel the world and donate to causes that help the young, the elderly, and our environment. Oh, and I’d buy one of these!

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