
The Uncommon Life

Uncommon Personalities: Meet Kat Guerrero

August 20, 2015


Kat Guerrero, UncommonGoods Planner

My hometown…
Temecula, CA. This is actually a place where the Real Housewives go on their wine vacations…. Might be why I went so far away!

I’m inspired by…
All of the wonderful things you can do with Excel.

When I was a kid, my favorite television program was…
Batman. Amazing because he is pretty much the only super hero who is still “super” without special powers. I would want to be Robin. Batman has too much responsibility and I’d rather ride a motorcycle.

If I could learn to do one thing perfectly, it would be…
Make ice cream.

My favorite place to go in New York City is…
Mikey Likes It Ice Cream, in the East Village.

In my next life, I want to come back as…
An extremely successful ice cream shop owner.

An uncommon fact about me…
I’ve met an elephant.