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Back to School

Gift Guides

Gift Guide: Care Packages for Every College Student

September 7, 2016

They passed their SATs and they wrote their college essays. They packed their bags, picked their majors, and they even chose their dorms! Moving away to college is an exciting time in anybody’s life—and this fall’s batch of college-bound kids are in for four of the best years of theirs. So, what should you include in care packages to your star student to help ensure they get the most from their experience?

Here’s the thing: Starting college can be stressful. Not only do new students need to learn the way around campus, memorize their course schedules, and make new friends, they also need to buy a lot of stuff. They need textbooks and bed sheets, pencils, notebooks, closet organizers, shower caddies, alarm clocks, travel mugs, dorm room slippers—and more. That’s a lot of gear for one person’s first year at school! Even the most overachieving scholar is bound to forget something.

Any student will appreciate a care package in their first semester or two away from home. That’s why we’ve compiled some college care package ideas for every kind of college kid. Your competitive athlete, class president, young doctor-in-the-making, or little Steve Jobs might be scrambling to hit the ground running, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help them ring in the new school year with some fun gift items too.

Here are a few ideas to send that special champion in your life out into the world with a bang.

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The Uncommon Life

Instagram Challenge: BACK TO SCHOOL

September 1, 2015

Instagram Challenge | Back to School | UncommonGoods

The next Instagram Challenge theme is BACK TO SCHOOL. The end of summer vacation usually accompanies a deep sigh heard ’round the world for students. But instead of feeling like we’ve reached a dead end in the year, there’s something special about September that always signals fresh beginnings. Even if you’re decades past your high school graduation, there’s no denying that there’s a familiar shift of energy this time of year; a feeling that there are endless possibilities ahead.  Whether it’s your organized collection of school supplies (#ThingsOrganizedNeatly), your favorite new lunch-to-go, or your child’s creative academic crafts, we want to see how you’re kicking off the school year! While sharing your scholastic shots, be sure to use the hashtag #UGInstaFun to be in the running for a $50 gift card! Visit here to see the entries we’ve received so far.

Have a great school year, everyone!

 Instagram Challenge | Back to School | UncommonGoods

Anything is Possible | Instagram Challenge | Back to School | UncommonGoods

Congratulations to @gillianandmomo for winning our Found Objects Instagram Challenge with this uncommon photo of vintage buttons, lost and found. 

Instagram Challenge Winner | Found Objects | UncommonGoods

The Uncommon Life

Say What?

September 8, 2011

Know a new or returning student? Copywriter Nina Mozes offers tips for how to congratulate that special someone who’s entering that bright world of homework, tests and gym class.

Having an end-of-summer bummer?

Chin up, the kids are going back to school! Time to CELEBRATE. And just pretend like you’re excited for their new milestone in education.

So. How do you say: I know you’re dreading going back to school, but I’ve been looking forward to this for months?

Here are a few ideas:

I know you needed school supplies, so surprise! Christmas is in September this year.

I signed you up for after-school activities. That way you never have to come home! It’s going to be a great year.

If you get suspended, mommy’s gonna have to quit her day drinking and that will make her very upset.

You’re gonna do great! Just don’t screw it up.

It’s a great year to make friends. And if you don’t – no worries, kids your age suck anyways.

Drive the point home with the wisdom of intellectuals:

Mark Twain: “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”
Sure, but considering that Twain couldn’t hold onto his finances, I’m sure he regrets not taking an accounting class.

Oscar Wilde: “Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.”
That is so true – what’s that? You don’t know who Oscar Wilde is? Get on that bus.

And for the serious students:

Ronald Reagan: “But there are advantages to being elected President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret.”
You work hard enough, you do enough things right, you’ll get to pretend like your mistakes never happened. Shoot for the stars, kid.

Send them off ready to carpe diem. …That means seize the day. Jeez, doesn’t anyone take Latin anymore?

Want to send them off with more than just kind words? Check out these great gifts for students.

The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers

4 Function Ruler Pen

Revolver Journals

Gift Guides

Last Days of Summer

September 7, 2011

The sun is still shining, the AC is still on, and we might be able squeeze in at least one more trip to the beach. No matter how you long you try to hold on to the lazy days of summer, it’s time to admit that the season is coming to a close. But don’t worry, before back to school bells ring and leaves start turning, there’s still time to have a little fun with these clever toys and activities for kids.

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Gift Guides

UncommonGoods goes back to school!

August 17, 2010
A touch of class

A is for Art Class.

B is for Back to School Socks.

C is for Chalkboard Pillows.

D is for Delicious Lunches.

E is for Eraser Rings.

F is for First-day Fashions.

G is for Geology.

H is for History Class.

I is for “I will not watch the clock, I will not watch the clock.”

J is for Jamming in the hallways.

K is for Kicking it after class.

L is for Laptop Slings.

M is for Math Class.

N is for Nerds!

O is for Organization.

P is for Pebble Erasers.

Q is for Quite possibly the most perfect scarf for fall.

R is for Recess!

S is for Scented Pens.

T is for the Table of Elements.

U is for an Uncommon Pencil Bag

V is for Venting.

W is for Wall decals for the dorm.

X is for X-pressing yourself.

Y is for “Young and in love.”

Z is for Zebra-striped school supplies.