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Father’s Day

Gift Guides

Personal Picks: A Dad’s Guide to Father’s Day Gifts

May 30, 2017

Around the time I first got excited about craft beer, vinyl, and beard cultivation, my son started teasing me that I was the “hipster dad starter kit.” I guess I had it coming. But this was a term of endearment coming from him, so I couldn’t complain. As a copywriter here at UncommonGoods who’s also a father, I tend to get tapped for the “dad’s-eye view” of things, especially around Father’s Day. You might know me from my work as the Most Interesting Dad in the World. Basic hipster dad or not, I offer this personal perspective on our wide array of gifts for family guys. Any of these items would make me smile on Father’s Day. Simon—take note.

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Gift Guides

Even Better than Dad Jokes: Funny Father’s Day Gifts

May 29, 2017

Hail, friends! We are living in a golden age of dad jokes, wherein corny puns and the frustrated groans of the nation’s teenagers reign supreme. What better way, then, to celebrate this Father’s Day than with a teensy bit of humor? Read on for a brief selection of goods hand-picked to give Dad a leg up when it’s time for him to practice stand-up. (Sorry. We’ll see ourselves out.)

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Gift Guides

20 Father’s Day Gifts for
Dad’s Man Cave

May 27, 2017

Between changing diapers and navigating the many moods of adolescence, fatherhood can be tough. Enter the man cave, a masculine oasis filled with goodies designed for the utmost in paternal relaxation, from special mixology tools to decorative objects tailored to his own individual tastes. Want to help Dad deck out his den this Father’s Day? We’ve got you covered. Read on for our selection of 20 gifts complete with the man cave seal of approval.

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Gift Guides

Gifts for Husbands: Father’s Day Finds for Your Fella

May 26, 2017

He’s pretty great at the partner thing, so it’s no surprise that when the parenting thing happened, he totally nailed it. Sure, raising kids definitely isn’t easy, and you both have a lot to figure out. But you’re in it together, and that helps make the crazy journey of growing a family a whole lot of fun. Celebrate the dude your kids call Dad with something from our list of Father’s Day Finds for Your Fella.

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Gift Guides

Father’s Day Gifts for the
Impossible-to-Shop-for Dad

May 24, 2017

If you’re already browsing our blog, chances are good that this ain’t your first Father’s Day rodeo. Give yourself some credit—you’re probably a seasoned gift-giver! At times, though, even the most dedicated among us can feel stumped by someone whose tastes elude us, and we all know Dad can be an enigma. Never fear—read on for a round-up of some of our most uncommon Father’s Day offerings, from grown-up fidget toys to beer-scented candles, filling voids you never knew existed.

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Gift Guides

20 New Gift Ideas for Father’s Day 2017

May 19, 2017

It’s that time of the year again! You’ve finally found the perfect gift for Mom, and now you can relax your gift-hunting muscles… for about five minutes, lest you leave Dad in the dust. No need to start your search for another tired tie this Father’s Day, though—you’re bound to find something perfect for Pa in this selection of 20 gifts ideal for even the most exacting of the paternal population, be they gardeners, at-home chefs, or even amateur historians. The best part? Everything’s new since last Father’s Day.

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Uncommon Knowledge

Uncommon Knowledge: Why Did the Dad Cross the Road?

June 8, 2016

21361_dads_playbookThe fact that dad jokes are terrible isn’t exactly carved in stone, but it’s often taken for granite. Recent studies show that dad humor is actually full of useful information. For example, the fact that chicken coops have two doors because if they had four, they’d be chicken sedans. Or the fact that employees of calendar factories can get fired if they take a couple of days off. Or the fact that dreaming about being a muffler can leave you exhausted the next morning. So the astounding secret of dad humor is that it’s really a covert campaign to share fatherly wisdom, in the guise of cringe-worthy jokes and punishing puns. But don’t look to your dad to help with your knowledge of math: another study has shown that 5/4 of fathers are bad with fractions.

Dad’s Playbook | $13

Uncommon Knowledge

Uncommon Knowledge: What Do You Give the Cosmonaut Who Has Everything?

June 6, 2016

23414_060616Some Father’s Day gifts fall squarely in the category of “you shouldn’t have” (we’re looking at you, football-shaped TV remote from the mall). But some gifts for dad are truly stellar. Take for example the talking picture frame presented to cosmonaut Yuri Usachev in 2001. A gift from his daughter back on earth, the state-of-the-art frame made its odyssey from earth to the International Space Station thanks to Radio Shack, which filmed the presentation for a commercial. Guess Moscow’s department stores were fresh out of “My Dad’s Out of This World” mugs.

Outer Space Sand Art | $110