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Father’s Day

The Uncommon Life

Instagram Challenge: FATHER’S DAY

June 11, 2015

Instagram Challenge | Father's Day | #UGInstaFun

So your dad might not be on Instagram, and we would be pretty surprised if your grandpa knows what a #hashtag is. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t join in on #UGInstaFun! Whether it’s your pops opening his funny Father’s Day gift, or your family enjoying a new adventure together, we want to see how you’re celebrating your favorite guy’s special day. While sharing your Father’s Day photos, be sure to use the hashtag #UGInstaFun to be in the running for a $50 gift card. Visit here to see the entries we’ve received so far.

From all of us at UncommonGoods, we wish you and your loved ones a Happy Father’s Day!


Congratulations to @sarastubbert for winning our Adventure Instagram Challenge with this breathtaking photo of her excursion in the Sahara Desert.

Instagram Challenge Winner | Adventure

Gift Guides

Funny to Fantastic: Our Favorite Father’s Day Gifts

May 28, 2015

Father's Day Gift Guide | UncommonGoods

Father’s Day gifting has gone through some changes since it was officially designated a nationwide holiday in 1972.  Twenty years ago, Dad might have been hoping for the latest tabletop “Screen Phone” from Rolodex. Now, according to Yahoo Finance, Dad just wants steak. Nothing against 90s technology or your dad’s favorite grilled foods, but we think you could do so much better on his special day! We’ve gathered our favorite gifts that will make your favorite guy laugh, smile, cheers, and high-five all while the grill is warming up.

From all of us at UncommonGoods, we wish you and your loved ones a Happy Father’s Day!

Father's Day Gift Guide | UncommonGoods

Funny Gifts (Dad Jokes, Anyone?)

Your dad might not know what “lol” or “rofl” means, but these gifts will be sure to make him burst out loud into embarrassing coughing, snorting, crying laughter.  

Face Mug | UncommonGoods


It’s about time to pay your Dad back for all of those times he told you that you put your foot in your mouth. | Face Mug

Eye Glasses Holder | UncommonGoods

No more searching around trying to figure out where your pops put his glasses! | Eye Glasses Holder

6 Pack Beer Soap Set | UncommonGoods

From chocolate stout to pumpkin ale, each Beer Soap is made from scratch with pure, traditional ingredients. Cheers to a “Hoppy” Father’s Day! | 6 Pack Beer Soap Set

What I Love About Dad By Me Book | UncommonGoods


You can fill it with sweet memories, or write in your best Mad Libs style jokes. We’ll let you decide. | What I Love About Dad By Me Book

Man Cave Must-Haves

Whether your dad’s domain is the basement, the garage, or just his own closet, these finds will give his man cave a well-earned upgrade. 

Custom Repurposed Guitar Picks | UncommonGoods


Even if your Dad can’t jam like Jimmy Page, these coin guitar picks have been used by musicians for a century because of their unique tonal qualities.  | Custom Repurposed Quarter Guitar Picks

The Many Varieties of Whiskey Wood Engraving | UncommonGoods

Whether his buddies prefer Irish or Scotch, bourbon or moonshine, this homage to whiskey will be sure to become his favorite showpiece at game night. | The Many Varieties of Whiskey Wood Engraving 

Barnwood State Side Tables | UncommonGoods

More than just a place to put his morning coffee, these state side tables will be sure to conjure up Dad’s best storytelling. | Barnwood State Side Tables 

The LP Encyclopedic Print | UncommonGoods

Because he might not ever get rid of his prized vinyl collection. | The LP Encyclopedic Print

The Popcorn Bowl with Kernel Sifter

Dad shouldn’t have to deal with those kernels that just couldn’t get it together. | The Popcorn Bowl with Kernel Sifter 

Dad Deserves a Cold One

Your pops works hard, so if he’s the type who enjoys popping the top of a brewsky when it’s time to kick back, he’ll love these beer and booze accessories. 

14th Century Beer Stein | UncommonGoods


Dad’s proven that he’s a Renaissance man. Show him you appreciate everything he does with a 14th Century Beer Stein.

Beer Brewing Kit | UncommonGoods


If Dad’s more of a DIYer than a pick-up-a-6-pack type, an Oktoberfest Ale Beer Brewing Kit is sure to make him smile. (Even though it’s only June!)

Home Brew Journal | UncommonGoodsOnce he gives the Oktoberfest a try, he might just become an all out brew-thusiast. Help him track his homemade craft beer creations with a Home Brew Journal.

Boiler Maker Set | UncommonGoodsYour proud papa always encouraged you to give everything you try your best shot. Now he can give his favorite beer a shot of his best whiskey. | Boiler Maker Set 


Drink Chillers | UncommonGoodsIf beer’s not Dad’s thing, but sipping a fine spirit is just his style, he might enjoy having a drink “on the rocks” in style. | Drink Chillers

Whiskey Tasting Kit | UncommonGoods


Whether Dad prefers whiskey, whisky, scotch, or bourbon, he’ll have fun sampling them all and taking notes on the whole “experiment” with the help of a Whiskey Tasting Kit.

MVD: Most Valuable Dad

No one can replace the guy who first taught you how to catch, ride a bike, or play a fair game. These picks will let him know that he’s the ultimate MVP of your life.

Baseball Game | UncommonGoods

Take me out to the board game! | Baseball Game

TPC Sawgrass Golf Ball Cufflinks | UncommonGoods

As a kid, you imagined that he could shoot a hole-in-one better than anyone else’s Dad. Even if you can beat him at his own game now, these cufflinks will keep him looking dapper all season long. | TPC Sawgrass Golf Ball Cufflinks

Chicago Marathon Map | UncommonGoods

Whether he’s a devout runner or a loyal spectator, the Chicago Marathon Map will be sure to capture the energy he loves about any race. (Also available for New York and Boston!)

Baseball Stadiums Tie | UncommonGoods

A nostalgic piece for any true baseball fan, no matter which team he’s rooting for! | Baseball Stadiums Tie 

College Stadium Art | UncommonGoods

If he can’t be there to watch the game, this 3D tribute to his favorite stadium will make him feel like he always has home field advantage. |  College Stadium Art 

Gadgets for the Geeky Guy

When your father’s a fan of gizmos and tech toys it can be hard to beat him to the next new thing. Ensure he’s surprised with these uncommon geek-chic goods that are definitely different than the ones he’s already picked up at his favorite electronics store.


Kinetic Gear Key Holder | UncommonGoods

You’ve been gearing up to start looking for a great Father’s Day gift. Congratulations, you already found it! | Kinetic Gear Key Holder 

Solar Powered Charger | UncommonGoods


Sometimes gadget geeks are also outdoorsy types. The Solar Powered Charger and Light is perfect for the tech-savvy dad on the go.

Modular Space Science Kit | UncommonGoods

Does Dad love to tinker? Complete with 12 electronic and mechanical modules, 5 NASA lesson plans, and 10 STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) activities, the Modular Space Science Kit might just be his dream gift.


Grill Master Favorites

He’s skilled with a spatula and quick with the ketchup, so show Dad  you can’t wait to see what he cooks up next with one of these picks to help him kick off BBQ season.

Tabletop Party Grill | UncommonGoods

A big backyard BBQ is always fun, but sometimes firing up a full-sized grill isn’t necessary. For those occasions, the  Tabletop Party Grill is perfect!

Four in One Grill Utensil | UncommonGoods

Dad’s already a pro at searing, flipping, and cutting. This handy tool makes it even easier for him to man the grill. | Four in One Grill Utensil

Yard Dice | UncommonGoods

A flame-kissed meal is just the beginning when it comes to outdoor family fun. Keep the backyard party rolling with Yard Dice.

Beer Jelly | UncommonGoods

The flavors in our Beer Jelly Set  aren’t just for spreading on bread! Each can also be used as a delicious grilling glaze.

Beer Opening Glass | UncommonGoods

Mastering the grill also means minding what’s sizzling. Let dad enjoy keeping an eye on the feast-in-the-making without having to abandon his station to hunt down a bottle opener | Beer Opening Glass

Fantastic Gifts

The  “#1 Dad” mug you got him when you were 12 still holds his daily morning coffee. Every crayon drawing and construction paper card you ever made him is stashed in his desk drawer. He calls you by your childhood nickname, even though you’re all grown up. (And you don’t mind.) If you’re looking to go all out on something great for your fantastic father, give one of these fantastic gifts a try.

Do Good Hammock | UncommonGoodsDad’s good at many things, and he’s not ashamed to say that napping is one of them. Help in do it in colorful comfort with a Do Good Hammock.

tree penWhat better to symbolize how he’s been there for you through the years as you’ve grown than a Tree Ring Pen?

Deluxe Shave Set | UncommonGoodsMaybe he likes a clean shave. Maybe he sports a champion dad ‘stache. Either way, he’ll dig this Deluxe Shave Set.

Pan Am Boeing 707 Bottle Opener | UncommonGoodsThis bottle opener was once part of an airplane, making giving it the least cheesy way possible to say, “Dad, thanks for being the wind beneath my wings.” | Pan Am Boeing 707 Bottle Opener


Father's Day Gift Guide | UncommonGoods

The Uncommon Life

Our Hipster Dads

June 10, 2013

Pops. Daddyo. Old Man Pots and Pans. No matter what you call him, he’s probably always been a great influence in your life and kept you laughing. He’s always been Dad to you so it’s hard to think that once upon a time he was a young, hip guy throwing back brewskies and causing a ruckus.

Ok, maybe it’s not that hard.

It’s not news that dads are the original hipsters so we’re sharing some stories and photos of our fathers from back in the day.

Warning: This post contains a dangerous amount of facial hair.

My Dad was great growing up. He was a Disco DJ in the ’70s & ’80s and now has his own online radio show (Disco935). My dad has given me a GREAT love for music and my entire family thought I would follow in my dad’s footsteps and be a DJ one day. My Dad would play his “mixes” for me and I would dance & sing around the house all day. (I still do) Daddy’s Little Girl is an understatement.

-Lauren Negron, Custom Orders Specialist

My father plays a huge part in me being the person I am. Things he has introduced to me that have held my interest throughout the years are: hip hop, flowers (he’s a florist), graffiti, style and having a good sense of direction.

Ne’Quana Rollings, Merchant Assistant

Whether on the back of a motorcycle, out camping with his not-quite hippy friends or on cross country road trips my dad took me on all sorts of unpredictable adventures. When we were lost or if we didn’t know what was around the next corner it didn’t really matter since he always led by example and taught me how to follow my true north in both life and on the road.

-Matt Monsees, Paid Search Analyst (and robe model)

My dad is the KING of corny jokes. We even created a term for his ridiculous puns – they are called “Dale-isms”. And boy, when one of those suckers comes out, the eye-rolls are all over the place.

-Mindy Wilson, HR Manager

The most important thing my dad taught me was to care about stuff in a genuine, nerdy, non-ironic way. His dedication and work ethic is something I try and apply to every challenge I face. The second most important thing he taught me is that craft beer is for drinking and sh***y beer is for pouring on your head.

-Hannelore McElheny, Graphic Designer

My dad taught me tolerance for racial and religious differences, the value of the family dinner, to explore the outdoors, and how to pick up women in the supermarket.

Zack Notes, Search Engine Guru

My Dad simply had the best work ethic of anyone I have ever known. He was real consistent in trying to impart this on both of his children. He said “Only one person can be the best at any one thing, strive to be that person, but if you are not, simply give your very best effort nonetheless.”

-Jeff Mayer, Customer Service Rockstar

My dad was a school teacher for more than 30 years and I witnessed how positively his students responded to him. I thought it was so cool that they liked my dad as much as I did.

Jackie Udden, Assistant Buyer-Jewelry & Accessories

Big Al’s always thinking up ways to make things better and what his newest invention or innovation can be. He’s definitely passed on his enterprising ways to me, and his amazing good looks.

Gaby Dolceamore, Community Outreach Coordinator

Gift Guides

Gift Lab: Father’s Day Puzzle Project

June 8, 2012

Every year for Father’s Day I get my dad the same thing – a store bought tie. This year I decided not to add to the mountain of ties in his closet, but instead give him a unique gift we could create together. The vinyl collection puzzle was that perfect unique gift – what’s better than some quality father-daughter time, while creating DIY wall art!?

Background Research:
Many a family game night during my childhood was spent working on puzzles. You would think that putting together puzzles would be a calm activity; however, in my family it is practically a competitive sport. Each piece was quickly put in place as we raced to see who could put in the most pieces in our 250, 500, even 1000 piece puzzles. It was a fun challenge that we could compete in together!

The Vinyl Collection Puzzle will be not only a great father-daughter activity, but also a great DIY Father’s Day gift.

The Experiment:
On a slightly overcast Saturday – perfect for a family afternoon indoors – my Dad and I set up an old folding table in the basement, opened the box, and got down to work*. Now, I am sure everyone has his or her own unique “puzzle-ing” style. My Dad insisted (like he always does) that we start with the edges, and then work our way in.

While working on the puzzle, I got to spend some quality time with my Dad! I heard about some of his records and we even took a break to look at some of them. (Disclaimer: The Bruce Springsteen Collection is actually my Mom’s…she had a New Jersey roommate in college.) The vinyl collection of the puzzle is quite unique and diverse, but my Dad found a tape version of one of the records in the puzzle (Simon and Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits)!

My Dad and I were not the only ones working on the puzzle – we had a little “helper.” She decided to walk through the center of the puzzle taking some of the pieces with her. Beware of these four-legged “helpers!” Despite this adorable distraction, after a few hours, my Dad and I finished the puzzle. (Disclaimer: My Dad is incredibly good at puzzles!)

The next step was to create the wall art that would become my Dad’s present. I set out to my local arts and crafts store to buy a picture frame. I chose to get a nice black frame that was 18” by 24” – the dimensions of the puzzle. The tight fit holds the puzzle between the glass and the backing, which means the puzzle can be mounted without being glued together. (You never know when you might want to take down the puzzle and put it back together again!)

When putting the puzzle into the frame, make sure to take extreme care. (You don’t want the puzzle to fall completely apart and you’d have to redo it, unless you are a master puzzler who enjoys the challenge.)

*Helpful Hint: When beginning the puzzle find a large poster board to do the puzzle on, the sturdier the better. When you frame the puzzle, the poster board makes it easier to slide the puzzle to the backing of the frame.

Finally, we attached the framed puzzle to the wall with standard picture frame hooks. Then stood back and admired our work!

The finished product is not only a beautifully completed puzzle, but also a piece of wall art. It now hangs in my family’s basement so that my Dad will see it every time he (and anyone else) hangs out down there, which is pretty often!

The vinyl collection puzzle is a great family activity for anytime, but especially this Father’s Day. Even if you aren’t able to make it home to spend time with your Dad, a DIY activity like this puzzle is a great Father’s Day gift. To all the fathers in your life, I wish them and you all a Happy Father’s Day! I hope your day is full of memories and perhaps a few DIY craft presents!

Happy Father’s Day, Dad!


The Winning Super Hero Dad

June 16, 2011

Father’s Day is just a few days from now, but you still have time to order a gift for Father’s Day delivery. Place your order by today, June 16, at 6 pm, and we’ll ship to your dad for a flat rate of $14.95.

Need a great gift idea? Check out our new fire hose belt, which Kim M. just won for her Dad in our super hero giveaway:

kim M says:
June 10, 2011 at 5:17 pm

My dad worked in the Air National Guard via civil service for over 30 years. We were always SO proud to have a dad who fixed F-16s! My dad has always been supportive of his 3 daughters especially when he became a single dad when we were beginning our teenage years–beating us in basketball as kids (never letting us win),fixing our junker vehicles, helping over the phone to diagnose household mechanical difficulties when we moved away(and teaching me that I can fix a multitude of things myself), and lending us money when we needed it during our impoverished college days.

Now that we are grown and he is retired, he is a wonderful grandpa to my sons and to his 2 grand-daughters. He plays with them, builds tree houses that are the envy of the neighborhood kids, and allows my sons to jabber about anything with him on the phone since we live 8 hours away. He would love this fire hose belt because it is exactly the type of gift my boys would pick out for him. 🙂

Happy Father’s Day to all the super hero dads out there!

Gift Guides

Top 10 Gifts for the Adventurous Dad

June 16, 2011

The adventurous dad is always on the lookout for a new path to travel, a grand site to see or an innovative new idea to make a reality. No doubt, as the child of an adventurous dad, you’re always on the lookout for bold gifts he’ll love. Father’s Day is just a few days away, but order today with our flat rate Express Shipping and your gift will reach Dad by June 19.

Created with flickr slideshow from softsea.
We’re glad to share a few of our favorite gifts for dads with audacity. UncommonGoods Founder, Dave, is an adventurous dad himself. Whether it’s camping or climbing, Dave loves making adventure a family affair.

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